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With multiple international awards for his first two feature films and the recent festival successes of our ongoing 'Anglian Community Trust' funded teen drama series, 'The Slip', DB Morgan and The Underdog Crew eagerly await the release of the team's second feature film. 'Morris Men'.  Recently awarded BEST THRILLER FEATURE at the Amsterdam International Film Festival, Morris Men will soon be available on major Video-On-Demand networks including Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video.  


So, what big screen challenge is next for DB and the Crew?

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"When unrefined ex-con, Jack Piper, is released from prison he is intent on winning back the affections of his ex-wife and daughter. When the opportunity arises to rob a corrupt bookmaker at Royal Ascot's Ladies Day event it proves impossible to refuse. Jack's world is turned upside down when he realizes that he and his crew must transform into women in order to pull off the perfect heist. But by committing to the changes he receives life affirming insight into the female psyche along the way."



Tolerance. Understanding. Compassion. Equality.


These are the key messages embedded in the DNA of 'Ladies Day'. An ambitious comedy heist feature film project being pitched as "Lock Stock" meets "Mrs Doubtfire". Underdog Crew Studios are currently canvassing support within the local LGBTQA+ and DRAG community to embrace the project and become an integral part of its production within Colchester and Chelmsford cities, whilst putting together a funding plan with an aim to commencing production in Autumn 2025.

In front of the camera... a range of outstanding British actors, working alongside young actors from Underdog Crew Studios. Behind the camera… an extensive boots-on-the-ground education in ‘resources filmmaking’: direction, camera, lighting, sound recording; through to post production, foley recording and sound design. The full development process, encompassing everything from scheduling to on-set catering.


It’s a true labour of love from those who understand the transformative magical power the Underdog Crew has on its young members. These words from a parent or two say it all…


“I have seen my teenager transform from a boy who struggled and had little to no confidence and self esteem, to a young man who has rediscovered himself. I’ve got my son back.” Charlene B.


“My withdrawn child has gone from self harm and suicidal thoughts to dreams of a career in the creative arts in just a matter of months. Thankyou so much.” D.C.


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Co-Directed by

DB Morgan &

Jenny Saiquoi

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DB Morgan Writer/Director statement


Ladies Day is the film I’ve always wanted to make. Having written, produced and directed my first three feature films the love and incredible stress of the process has resulted in fantastic knock on effects, including now having the privilege of running the Underdog Crew youth empowerment project as my full time commitment. The flipside was an imminent near death experience on June 9th 2023, when a stress ulcer burst and almost poisoned me to death! A three-hour late night operation (as my innards were quickly dissolving) and a week’s recovery in hospital and I was good to go again.


Being able to work alongside some of the most misunderstood and marginalised young adults from our region and see them flourish and grow through their involvement in filmmaking projects is a joy to behold. Our current ongoing teen mental health drama series, ‘The Slip’, is winning awards and we are about to embark on filming the next two episodes as we also begin taking it into secondary schools for special mental health assemblies. We’ve unearthed some amazing young actors from our region who were cast aside as ‘useless’, within a school system where they were utterly misunderstood.   


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From neuro diversity, extreme bullying – many through trans or homophobic abuse - young carers and several other amazing young kids who have experienced the worst possible start in life, to know that we are changing, and in many cases, saving the lives of these kids is the most rewarding thing I could think of doing. As someone who suffered unbearable and sustained childhood trauma myself, this is more than a job. It’s my calling.


So, after winning many international film festival awards to date and eagerly awaiting our third feature film, Morris Men, to be released on Apple TV, Amazon Prime etc… in the next few weeks, it’s time to look forward to the next Underdog Crew feature film adventure.


What better project to bring the kids into than a comedy movie based around the notion of tolerance and understanding of those considered outside the ‘norm’. A film that challenges outdated, and highly damaging, views on homosexuality and transphobia, whilst celebrating the vibrant world of drag culture, all wrapped up in a rip roaring heist movie set within the horse racing universe.


Alongside continuing their intensive boots-on-the-ground filmmaking training our teenage film crew interns will meet a wide range of empowered and extremely talented new people. They will continue to learn fantastic new skills, especially in extensive special effects makeup, whilst experiencing equine stunt work, combat stunts and exciting fight choreography throughout the production experience.


As I always say… Robbery’s a breeze. Doing it in heels, now that’s the tricky bit.


Let’s do this!



TIMEFRAME: We are currently building proposals towards seeking project funding for 2025. 6-9 month project. Intensive, boots-on-the-ground, filmmaking training and workshops. Pre-production, production and post production, including extensive development and filmmaking training prior to, during and after filming.


INCLUSION & DIVERSITY: Filming exclusively within Colchester and Chelmsford cities we aim to engage around 50 young adults from disadvantaged, under represented and neuro diverse backgrounds. Due to the genre and subject matter of the project we also aim to engage and involve many members of the local LGBTQA+ community in all aspects of the production.


ESTIMATED TOTAL INCLUSION: 80 young adults throughout the project duration.


Through our project referral partners including ACTIVE ESSEX, ESSEX YOUTH SERVICE, ACTION FOR FAMILY CARERS, BRIGHT LIVES, THE TUSKAR TRUST, ESSEX YOUNG CARERS, LADS NEED DADS, COLCHESTER INSTITUTE, COLCHESTER SIXTH FORM COLLEGE and several other vital local youth organisations we aim to be able to include many marginalised and at-risk young adults in this project - providing vital education, work experience and personal empowerment though their involvement. 





A number of high profile British (Welsh and Irish) movie and television actors have already pledged their support to this project. 


Ross O'Hennessy - Game of Thrones 'Lord of Bones', 'Morris Men'

Charlene Aldridge - 'Fyre Rises', 'The Slip'

Jamie Chambers - 'Fury', 'Grimsby', 'Morris Men'

Ray Whelan - 'Reign of Chaos', 'On the other Foot'

Dean Kilbey - 'Top Boy', 'Boiling Point', 'Morris Men'

Sean Earl-Mcpherson - 'Rupture', 'Future Soldier', 'Morris Men'



Filming logistics


'Ladies Day' is to be shot locally in Colchester, with several scenes filmed within the Chelmsford Racecourse complex. ‘Ladies Day’ will be released onto VOD platforms with the aim of all proceeds going back into the not-for-profit community interest company. Powered by grant funding, and sponsorship, any income will boost the studio’s ability to continue harnessing the power of professional film to instil positivity, wellbeing and ambition in marginalised young adults.


If you would like to get involved in any capacity then please reach out to DB at

DB Morgan's MORRIS MEN. Coming soon. 


DB Morgan's debut movie, 'Blood Highway'. Available on 

If you would like to get involved in any capacity then please reach out to DB at

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